VW/AUDI Recall

Ti Kan ti at amb.org
Wed Apr 28 15:28:10 EDT 2004

David writes:
> I just called VW Customer Care (800-822-8987)and they have no record
> of a new recall for the Passat. Wonder if it's just too new or whether
> we in the USA are getting screwed again? I PAID the dealer to have the
> control arms replacedon my 98 Passat GLS 1.8T. Of course I fully expect
> them to reimburse me for it. But the issue is I sold the car in 2002 and
> gave the new owner all the records. Wonder what will happen?

I think you're jumping the gun...  the original article states that the
info came from German news, so if the same recall is to happen in the
US, it's going to be quite a while.  I am not least bit surprised that
VW Customer Care (or Audi's equivalent, for that metter) doesn't know
about it yet.

You should wait until an official announcement from VWoA and AOA before

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