was Ur-Quattro Ronal wheels, now Shokan

John Cassidy JCassidy at DiamondConstruction.com
Wed Apr 28 16:09:18 EDT 2004


<< remember a number of stories in the archives re: Shokan reps swearing at
customers, hanging up on them etc, but these are from a few years ago (late
90's) ... maybe they've replaced those folks and turned over a new leaf.>>

>If anyone on this list has had any truly negative experiences, in which
they feel they were unjustly treated, PLEASE e-mail me personally and I
will forward these along to Shokan myself.
>92 S4
>90 Coupe q

I have recently had a most unpleasant experience with Shokan (800-all-audi).
After being rear-ended in my wife's cherished Coupe Quattro, I sold the car
to a good friend who was excited to rebuild it.  This was due to the fact I
had found most of the required parts at Shokan, including the bumper and
cover in the pearl white we needed as a bonus.  Parts were in stock, and
ready to ship, and in excellent condition.  My friend sent the payment to
them next day, totaling ~$1100 for parts and shipping.

Time passed and passed with no parts.  Phone calls were not returned.
Finally, 2 weeks later my friend got ahold of the original contact person,
Nancy I believe (who was very nice).  Apparantly, the story goes that
someone had sold the parts out from under, but they had another car from
which they could send him what he ordered.  When they finally arrived, the
bumper cover was in pieces, and I believe there were other problems.  As of
this date, no restition has been made, and my friend is really bummed.  He's
sorry he ever bought the car, and our friendship is strained, and I'm sorry
I sold it to him.

Just wanted to let you know that Shokan is definately not out of the woods
in my book.  It's understandable how a mistake such as selling the parts
previously spoken for can happen, but they should have done better by him by
#1, not using his money for weeks, #2 given him a break on pricing, #3 not
sending him damaged parts when promising him excellent condition.

John Cassidy

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