Subframe... Where this man has not gone before... (90q 20v)

David Thoresen david at
Fri Apr 30 19:43:34 EDT 2004

Yayyyy!  Just got my Subframe bushings today, will be getting the 
bugger up on jacks and working on it tomorrow :o\  Since my experience 
in Subframe is rather limited, are there any other items I may wish to 
replace since I am under there?  Would that be an easy time to replace 
the rear main seal, tranny mount etc?  (eek I hope I know what I am 
getting myself into...)

Thanks for all your help and replies!

BTW If anyone in the Seattle wants to come on over and make fun of my 
inexperience and perhaps give some moral support while I am doing this 
in exchange for a couple beers on the waterfront here on Alki, I 
certainly would appreciate it!


Thanks Again!


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