
Brett Dikeman brett at
Sun Aug 1 17:19:35 EDT 2004

At 2:25 PM -0400 8/1/04, Lee Levitt wrote:

>So replacing a $7 hibeam bulb (or more likely a $15 Superstar) requires
>dropping the front bumper.

Just curious- how much work is it on the B6's?  Come to think of it, 
you've got those washer jets, the fog light wiring, etc...hmm.  Well, 
I'm still curious, and it might make a good bit for the knowledgebase.

  On the type 44's, it's 4 screws for the turnsignals, a few screws if 
it is a 200q20v to detach the front brake cooling ducts, and then two 
allen-head carriage bolts...and the bumper slides right off the car. 
Of course, getting it back ON is much trickier if you're by yourself 
and haven't done it a few times to work out the right way to hold it 
(piece of cake if someone's helping).

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
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