Type-44: Tightening turbo oil lines - Bentley mistake?

Ameer Antar antar at comcast.net
Mon Aug 2 05:12:12 EDT 2004

Thanks for the link, but I'm still scratching my head. It says the same thing and it seems odd that more than one source says the same thing... maybe cuz it comes all from Audi. Regular M6 bolts should go in at 10 Nm and the strongest ones at 17 Nm... Audi says 25! I guess I could just tighten it to what makes sense for the size of the bolts and see if it leaks. Very strange though. Thanks again.


----Original Message----
From: "Phil Payne" <quattro at isham-research.com>
Date: 8/2/04 4:58:15 AM
Subject: Re: Type-44: Tightening turbo oil lines - Bentley mistake?

> This really doesn't seem to make sense, but the Bentley (as well as the Haynes) says to
tighten the bolts for the turbo oil lines to 18 ft-lbs. These are the little M6 bolts that
actually bolt into the turbo. I looked up the torque chart for M6 and even w/ class 12.9
hardware, you can only get about 12 ft-lbs out of 'em. Some how I doubt that'll work. Any
experience or BTDT's regarding the proper torque? Also how about the torque for the other
sides of the lines... one is M6 and bolts to the aluminum oil filter housing, and the other is
M8 and bolts into the block. I can't find any spec for either. Thanks for the help.

Does http://www.isham-research.com/quattro/torque.html help?  I know it's ur-quattro, but ...

  Phil Payne
  +44 7785 302 803

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