Value of 93 CS100?

sdewitt at sdewitt at
Mon Aug 2 13:16:59 EDT 2004

Go to,, or 

Engine Oil leaks are the largest that I am aware of.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Root, Tim" <TRoot at>
Date: Monday, August 2, 2004 10:44 am
Subject: Value of 93 CS100?

> Hello List. I was referred here by Chris (PA I think). I came 
> across what
> looks to be a pristine 1993 CS 100. She's beautiful inside and 
> out, without
> so much as a door ding, and 80,000 miles on the odometer. Not sure 
> how to
> describe the paint, but it is cream/pearly in color. It has an 
> automatictransmission. It was love at first sight.
> I spoke to the owner this morning and he told me that it's his 
> wife's car,
> they bought it new, have had several oil leaks fixed, and that 
> they are in
> the process of fixing a leak in the steering rack. It has new 
> brakes and
> tires all the way around, and that it has been very well 
> maintained. Asking
> price is $5850 OBO.
> My questions to you are:
> What is this car worth?
> Are there any trouble areas to be aware of/What should I be 
> looking for?
> How much was this car new?
> Any other advice is welcome for an Audi newbie.
> Thanks.
> T Root
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