Totally NAC Mazda offering

Richard J Lebens rick-l at
Sat Aug 7 17:27:03 EDT 2004

Not that I need another one but...  Mid 80's would be 1983-1988?  This
is a broad range of cars.  12A, 13B, 1st gen, 2nd gen, Turbo?  try  do some reading there and you may want to keep it.  

There is a current production rotary (RX-8). 

These cars probably won't be collectable since millions were made

--- Kneale Brownson <knotnook at> wrote:

> Sorry for previous hitting of incorrect keyboard button and waste of
> bandwidth.
> My brother's significant other wants to part with her mid-1980s Mazda
> two-seater with the rotary engine.  She's the original owner and
> she's only
> put about 50k on the car.  It's mostly been a spare since they hooked
> up
> ten or so years ago for when her regular driver needed services.
> Leather seats are shot, the paint's fading (they live in
> Indianapolis) but
> otherwise car's in good shape.  What's this thing worth?  Until
> recently,
> it was one of the last of the rotary engine models, I'm told.
> VAG content:  It's being replaced by a VW Cabrio.
> If anyone's interested, I can give you a contact.
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