help w/ headgasket '93 90s

Andrew Steere andrewsteere at
Mon Aug 16 09:22:14 EDT 2004

Need somebody with a shop manual to get me a little info...

[yes, I know diving into projects on an Audi w/o a shop manual is never a
good idea, but desperate times, desperate measures]

Have to do a headgasket on a friend's 93 90s, passenger side (2.8 v6).
Looks fairly straightforward, just hoping there's timing marks to line the
belt up when I reassemble (would really prefer that Mr. Piston not hit Mr.

Can anybody give me the torque figures and order for the heads, please?  Any
other BTDT issues?  Should I put down the wrenches and step away from the
vehicle?  Exhaust manifold/downpipe bolts are already getting the PB blaster
soak, looks like everything else is accessible from topside.

Thanks for any help you can offer--

--Andrew Steere
Dover, NH
andrewsteere at comcast dot net

A Subaru, A Saturn, too many Merkurs and an 80q that just got kicked out of

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