CGT - Suspension pop/shift

Keith Lawyer LawyerKG at
Mon Aug 16 10:43:27 EDT 2004

Well, the symptoms are still kinda vague (not that you did a poor job
describing them) and it just tells you something is awry in the front

FWIW, it sounds exactly like my symtoms when my LCA bushings went
south.  Visually they looked alright (on the car) but when I stuck a
prybar in there it was abundantly clear they were shot.  They were so
bad they nearly pushed out by hand, altho I used the air hammer (work
smarter, not harder LOL)

This is a "while you're at it" thing I would recommend addressing
(altho you can drop the LCA out at any time more or less).  Couple of
pics if you really care

This is all assuming Audi didn't change the front suspension on the
CGT's from the 4k's?

Keith L

>>> David <duandcc_forums at> 08/16/04 06:40AM >>>
Car: 1987 Coupe GT 2.3
Symptoms: Hear a dit pop from the right front when you first start
moving or when you hit the brakes. The pop sound is also felt, something
is shifting/giving. It is worst when you attemtp to start out with the
wheel turned or you hit a bump (like a speed bump).
Mechanics Diagnosis: Bad passenger outer tie rod end and bad upper
strut mount/bearing.

So, does this sound right to y'all? My mechanic is a very good general
mechanic, but is NOT an Audi specialist, but I trust him and his price
is right. Also, if you agree it is the tie rod and strut mount, what
other "while your at it" things should I have done? I will get new stut
cartridges put on at the same time as the strut mound, the Boge Turbos
on there now are approaching 3 years old, no sence in putting the old
ones back on when they have to be fully R&R'ed anyway. But what else?
Thought on all of the above?


1987 Coupe GT Special Build 2.3 (H4s, custom exhaust, Borbet Type Es
with Kumho tires, Recaro Trophy seats, Euro 90 Sport 3 spoke steering
wheel, 4Kq swaybar, Boge TurboGas struts/shocks Kenwood Bazooka &
Blaupunkt stero system, R134a converted AC blowing 34*F, 35% metalic
charcoal tint, fresh paint in original Anthracite Black)

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