Audi Quattro Sport questions . . .

Emre Washburn yumyjager at
Fri Aug 20 10:24:35 EDT 2004

There are rumors that one of Frank Beddor's red Sport quattros had
been wrecked/rolled when he allowed a reporter to take it for a spin
on one of the Hill Climbs that Mr. Beddor participated in. Just a
heads up, and again, it was just a rumor, but one that sound like it
has some meat to it. Even if it is that same machine, I'm sure Mr.
Beddor would have had it repaired to the highest of standards.

As for everyone saying it would be a museum piece, it should not be
(as you said yourself). There are plenty of the Sport Q's on display
as well as factory rally S1's with 0 miles (that will most likely stay
that way). My friends has one with over 90k on it!

Although 2Bennett is a great place to take your Audi, I'd be wary on
bringing a Sport quattro there. With around 9 TOTAL Sport quattros in
the country (Beddor owned 5 of them in Minnesota) I'd be good money
that @Bennett ever had a Sport quattro in their garage bay's. The best
place to take it would be Bruno's Quattro Center in Queens New York.
Being that you are on the West Coast that would be a heck of a hike.
The next place I would take it would be Anderson Motorsports in MN.
They have most likely worked on some of Beddor's beauties.

Your friend has the Grand father of all quattro's. He is very lucky to
be one of the very few to be able to rightfully claim they have owned
one, I envy him.

Have him snap spme pics of it and psot it to the list.

92 //S4
90 Cq
40 valves to many!

On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 20:50:42 -0400, Jay J. Hector
<70243.3034 at> wrote:
> My friend has just purchased this 1985 Audi Quattro Sport:
> and I'll be driving from Blackhawk/Danville in the SF Bay area to Portland,
> Oregon to deliver it to him.  He wants to get it inspected for the trip and
> he
> mentioned 2Bennet Motors by Sacramento, but I can only find one obscure
> reference to them on the web, and no phone/location info.  Anyone know
> anything about them?  Anyone know of another Audi shop that can cope with
> an AQS that might be in the Danville/East Bay area?  Any tips for me to
> be aware of on an AQS for the trip?  I've owned various BMWs for 30+ years
> and do all my own work, so I'm not intimidated by mechanicals on cars.  I
> also shot Formula 1 with Road & Track for many years:
> Thanks for any help.
> Jay J. Hector
> f1reverb
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