88 5ktq won't start (magically fixed) more question.

Zsolt zsolt1 at telusplanet.net
Sun Aug 22 16:00:01 EDT 2004

Well, I guess I will never know why, it didn't start yesterday, but the car 
needs some TDC anyway, so I think I will ad new plug wires, and plugs to 
the list and it probably wouldn't hurt to check the distributor also

What plugs should I get? Is it worth to consider the Bosh trielectrode?

Does anybody has any experience with Magnecor cables for this cars? I was 
advised to use them for my 85 Carrera.

I think I am going to change my timing belt, (it's been about 70,000 km 
since I had it done), and I was wondering how crucial is to do the water 
pump the same time. It doesn't give me any problems.

I also have a ticking valve that drives me nuts, so I was considering 
changing all the lifters. How big of a job is that?

Thanks guys!

At 09:42 PM 8/21/2004, Doyt W. Echelberger wrote:
>OK, you panicked. Now settle down and check for spark and fuel.
>You know it has a good battery and the starter works.
>Those are pics of a GREAT car. Just get on with the basic diagnostics.
>My 87 5ktq did that once when I turned a corner. It just stopped. A speck 
>of solder that was loose in the ECU had moved and was shorting out a 
>critical sensor. Picked the solder out and it ran fine. Of course, it took 
>two days to find the speck of solder.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>At 09:01 PM 8/21/2004 -0600, you wrote:
>>This just happened out of the blue. The car has been running fine, and 
>>about an hour after got home with it, it wouldn't stat. It turns over, 
>>but nothing. I haven't checked for spark, or anything yet, I figured I 
>>ask for some tips first.
>>Any ideas? BTDT?
>>Thanks in advance,
>>88 5ktq Calgary Olympic Edition
>>(ECU & 1.8 bar WG spring from SJM, H&R and Koni Sport, Euro headlights, 
>>V8 taillights, 17x7.5" Avus style wheels)
>>Some pix at: http://www3.telus.net/public/zsolt/Cars/

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