My ASQ drive is off because of sales-tax . . .

Doug Johnson ur-quattro at
Mon Aug 23 19:14:52 EDT 2004

I bought my ur-q in Reno (isn't his one from Vegas?), and registered it in
Oregon (isn't the prospective buyer in Oregon?), and no one wanted any sales

~ Doug

> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at 
> [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On Behalf Of Brett Dikeman
> Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 3:24 PM
> To: Jay J. Hector; INTERNET:quattro at
> Subject: Re: My ASQ drive is off because of sales-tax . . .
> At 5:34 PM -0400 8/23/04, Jay J. Hector wrote:
> >Again, I thank everyone for their help and comments.
> >
> >Apparently the way this deal is working my buddy's ASQ would require 
> >over 6k in sales-tax unless it is shipped out of state.  I guess the 
> >seller is not acting as a broker but rather a consignee (right 
> >context?).
> >So no dealing with 2bennet either.
> Have it shipped to some Mobil station just over the CA border :-)
> Or, talk to a few listers in an area just outside of CA, and 
> do a BBQ.  Show off the car, meet some great Audi 
> enthusiasts, then skip outta town.
> Oh well.  Possibly for the better, anyway- you'd feel awful 
> if the car was damaged in any way during the trip, and these 
> days you never know what to expect on the roads, and it's one 
> thing if it's yours- its another if it belongs to a friend.  
> I'd be a nervous wreck driving it...
> B
> --
> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary 
> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin 
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