How to ship parts/exchange money between NA listers

Steve Sears steve.sears at
Wed Dec 1 13:39:21 EST 2004

Louis-Alain and Bob,
Actually, if I need to send a quantity of cash to the US, I go the the local
Continental Currency Exchange - their rates are better than the bank rates,
and they will write cheques on a Chase Manhattan US Bank Account.  They
charge $3 for the cheque.  There are 2 CCE's  in the local malls around
Hamilton, ON - not sure if they're in PQ as well  - I checked on the web and
the only link I could find was out of date - I guess they're more concerned
with Mall Business than Net Business.  You might want to check in the yellow
pages for a similar mall kiosk business.

And on the problems with shipping, if you're close enough to the US border
(as I think more than 50% of us Canadians are), then you can send the
package to something like US Address ( - which is
located just across the border - and then drive across to get it.  The cost
of receiving a parcel is fairly low.  With the holidays around the corner,
and the exchange rate so good, it should be easy to convince the SO to swing
across the border for some "shopping" (just don't mention to her the parcels
you'll be picking up, and the side trips to Autozone, etc.,etc.,etc.)

If the thing you're getting is sorta big (ie - engine, transmission, etc)
then you might consider something like Forward Air - you have to have the
item delivered crated to their location, and then you go to the warehouse at
your local international airport, take the papers and do the Customs work
yourself to get them to release the bond, and then take your stuff home - I
did that with a jukebox (freakin' heavy thing) a couple of years ago from
OKC to YYZ (Toronto) and it worked
quite well.

Of course, all the YMMV, etc disclaimers apply....
Steve Sears
1987 Audi 5kTQ
1980 Audi 5k
1962 and '64 Auto Union DKW Junior deLuxes - both purchased with CCE cheques

----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Robert Myers <robert at>
> Subject: Re: How to ship parts/exchange money between NA listers
> To: Louis-Alain_Richard at, urq at,
> quattro at
> Message-ID: < at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Louis-Alain,
> Some of us dwellers in the hinterlands of the US have difficulty with
> Canadian PMOs.  My local banks seem not to be able to recognize a Canadian
> PMO as valid even when clearly printed with "Pay in US Funds".  :-(  I had
> to stop accepting payment in this manner for this one simple reason - I
> unable to cash them.  PayPal avoids that problem.
> At 11:56 AM 12/1/2004 -0500, Louis-Alain_Richard at
> >2- How to send money from Canada to US safely without paying too much.
> >Everybody knows how efficient paypal is, so I will not elaborate more
> >about it.
> >But when one of the parties is not using it, postal money order (PMO) is
> >the way to go. As an example, sending 100$US to a fellow lister, cost me
> >126$CAN and that includes the exchange rate of 21%! So the PMO fee is
> >about 5$CAN, and it si very safe since only the recipient can cash the
> >money. So a standard enveloppe by regular mail is all you will have to
> >over the 5$. Can't be cheaper IMO.

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