(no subject)

akowalsk at comcast.net akowalsk at comcast.net
Sun Dec 5 19:50:38 EST 2004

Hi Thompson,

It's nice to see that so many of the usual suspects are still zooming around! ;)
I have to admit that when I decided to go for this car, I felt a little Corleone
 "...They keep pulling me BACK IN!!!" But then I realized that was 
a good thing, and I felt even better when I saw the car up close.  

I'll cop to it -- I'm a Audi recidivist!  Ever since the first time I drove
that '82 5000S five-speed in a driving rain, after having driven nothing
 but American (and a few Japanese) cars, I was changed forever.  And the logo
is really distinctive.  I'm sure Dan S. was happy, and in fact, I did see it 
once or twice in the past several years and it kept the URL at the tip of my
fingers --  I knew exactly what to type into the address bar, and there's not
much higher praise you can give a logo than that, especially if you don't 
see it that often.

One thing that I _*pledge*_ not to do on this list is discuss partisan politics.  I have learned from this election (sadly) that it is the most sure-fire
way to break up an otherwise happy, mostly-functional, cooperative group of friends.  There are plenty of other places to do that on the 'net now, anyway.  Good to see you.

'87 5KCSTQ (Soon!)

> Alex, I'm still here if that counts for anything. After 9 quattros in 
> the last nine years (two of them urqs) I can't shake this Audi 
> obsession or the digest. Proud designer of Audifans.com logo.

> Regards,
> Thompson

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