My Audif.. emails down ....

Denis sparkplugvw at
Tue Dec 7 19:08:16 EST 2004

  Naaaait s not about trafic day.
  I received 2 , 3 or 4 for the week..... and 1 day i received 1...... so i dont believe the were only one guy around the world has posted :-)

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Doug Yoder 
    To: quattro at 
    Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 9:46 PM
    Subject: Re: My Audif.. emails down ....

    At 2:39 PM -0500 12/6/04, Denis wrote:

    >> Well, i dont receive email from Audifans, again....
    >> My hotmail has lot of free space, nothing is wrong, i receive lots of 
    >> Email from other Audi sites , but again not from Audifans....
    >> Whats the problem again ?

    Brett Dikeman wrote:

    > <snip about bounced messages auto-unsubscribing, nomail option, etc.>

    I think what Denis was saying is probably more like "geez people, what's 
    wrong with you, only 6 emails on the q-list today?!?" (or some other 
    exclamation of surprise at a low-traffic day on a usually high-traffic 


    |    Doug Yoder    |   wdy at   |    |
    |  Don't tell me the sky's the limit...                                |
    |                                  ...there's footprints on the moon.  |
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