4000 Q fuel problem - tank

Tony Hoffman tfh400036 at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 11 16:00:27 EST 2004

Well, I just finished it up, and am about to put it in the car. I ended up cutting a 8" square hole with a Metal cutting blade on the skillsaw. I got my dremmel out next, with the 1.5" cutting wheel. Then I cut sideways from the oval hole to the back, and two runs toward the side with the hoses. Bent that piece up and holy sh**, it looks like mud down there. I cut the tube off toward the end with the screen. The end of the tube with the screen is tack welded, so I had to bend it back and forth a bit to get it free. I am now going to rely on the pre'filter to catch the junk out of there.
Anyhow, next I brought the tank to the power washer and cleaned all the loose stuff out of there. I welded the piece back down on the seams I had cut inside of the tank, then put "Seal-all" over them. Then I tack-welded the piece I had cut out of the top of the tank. Then, 2-hr epoxy on the seam all around. Then seal-all on top of that. 
I also took apart and cleaned the sender while I was in there. Hopefully the gauge works now.
The key is to get the fumes out, and cut a big enough hole in the top to work through. Also, if I was keeping this tank long term, I'd coat the inside with "Kreme", a white sealer that you can get at Motorcycle shops. I've done about ten tanks in the past with it, and never had a complaint.
Tony Hoffman
p.s. I'm going to write up an article on the website www.audiv8q.com as soon as possible, and include the (20 or so) pictures I took while fixing the tank.

Keith Lawyer <LawyerKG at co.laplata.co.us> wrote:
A plasma would make the best, thinnest cut. A TIG would probably be
preferable for welding it back up, but I bet you could MIG it w some
.023 and care. Nonetheless you'd have to do something so the tank
doesn't go kaboom from fuel vapor...........I'm told dry ice works but
have never tried it. Once you're done you'd want to pressure test it to
make sure the weld is airtight. All in all I suppose more work than the
average lister could justify.

Keith L
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