Finally CEL ok Re: Where is the engine light or plug for test engine ???? Re:

Denis sparkplugvw at
Mon Dec 13 11:59:02 EST 2004

  Well all, found the right circuit as it says there is no brown,,,, connector under the dash,, nothing to plug a CEL.... for a 100Q 1989 2.3 engine NA.

  The only way is to make the circuit.

  So i used a used fuse (broken) plugged on the pump relay top, route wires to a switch placed close to the rear windows defoog switch....Routed wires to the CEL in the dash....

  Works great. I can see the Check engine light blink when i start the engine.....  when i  m trying to get fault codes..

  Next step:

  Read those ton of codes :-),,, there is the less i can say ,,, there is a ton of code mmmmm lots of work to do guys.

  Youpi ouraaaa.....


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