brake booster vs. hydraullic accummulator

Fred Munro munrof at
Mon Dec 13 17:50:40 EST 2004

Do the "bomb test". When the bomb is completely discharged, you can feel the pump pulses in the brake pedal - that may be the source of your vibration.


Fred Munro

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at
[mailto:quattro-bounces at]On Behalf Of Ahmad Helal
Sent: December 13, 2004 4:34 PM
To: quattro
Subject: Re: brake booster vs. hydraullic accummulator

1990 audi 100
Brake pads are fine, they were changed recently. i DO HAVE a hard
brake pedal and there is no assistane what so ever...feels like manual
brakes....ya that vibrating feels like something ABS would I
am wondering if maybe something went bad causing something else to go
bad...not sure...

On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 13:20:15 -0800 (PST), Tony Hoffman
<tfh400036 at> wrote:
> The booster sits in behind the master cylinder. The accumulator is right behind the radiator. Not sure about the difference in symptoms, aside from that a bad bomb will give you sittle or no assist after the car is shut off. There is a bomb test in the Knowlege Base
> Tony hoffman
> Ahmad Helal <helal.ahmad at> wrote:
> what is the diffrence between the 2? how do I know if one is failing
> versus the other...what are the symptoms? I assumed that my brake bomb
> went bad because i have no assited power...i can't stop in an
> emergency...if i slam on the brakes for an emergency there is a weird
> metal scrapping/taping noise...and the brake pedal vibrates hard....I
> was about to order a brake bomb when I noticed they had a listing for
> the brake now i am just confused
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