German Ski Run test video - Quattro Beats 'em ALL !!!

Tony Hoffman tfh400036 at
Mon Dec 13 17:55:01 EST 2004

The two cars they show you the tread on are to BMW 3-series (assuming iX)and Audi Allroad. They both appear to be wearing Dunlop SP Winter Sport M3's. I would think if they changed tires on two of the vehicles, they did so on them all.
Tony Hoffman

ben <bwpearre at> wrote:
My German has gone from barely passable to completely 2wd over the
past few years. Can anyone tell me whether they commented on what
tires the contestants had?

Not terribly methodical, but hilarious! Thanks for the link :)))


Ben Pearre 1990 200TQA "Hyatt"
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