1988 Trans-Am Victory Decal

Chris Semple chris at force5auto.com
Mon Dec 13 22:55:41 EST 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Greg Johnson

> Fellow Audians;
> I have a close friend who's in the sign/decal business.  If
> there's any
> interest, I'll find out what it would take to make up a batch
> of these.
> Alex, could you send a digital photo to me.  The quality
> doesn't really
> matter, I'm just interested in determining how close we can
> get to the original.
> Greg J

I've got originals of probably 4 different versions of these stickers(NOS
OEM)from the rally glory years if your sticker guy gives you a decent quote.
Happy to loan them out to the cause.

Chris Semple
Concord NH
'92 S4
WTB '84 4kq (white, clean)

> Alex wrote:
> >A few people have written asking if I could take a picture
> of the 1988 Trans-Am Victory decal I found in my 'new' car.
> Only three problems:  I haven't applied it to the car yet,
> and I haven't decided whether I will.  The other problem is
> that since it's meant to be applied to the inside surface of
> the rear quarter window, it doesn't scan or photograph well.
> >
> >However, in the can-do spirit of the Quattro list, I
> wouldn't let those minor details deter me from fulfilling the
> wishes of the folks who have been so forthcoming with advice
> and help over the past several days.  So I fired up CorelDraw
> and made a replica of the decal.  Obviously, this is not 100%
> perfect, everything's by hand and eye, but it's a fair
> approximation.  I did scan the letter insert, though:
> >
> >The Decal:
> >
> >http://home.comcast.net/~dbrockstars/images/Audisport2.jpg
> >
> >The Insert Describing The Decal:
> >
> >http://home.comcast.net/~dbrockstars/images/AudiDecal.jpg
> >
> >Cheers,
> >Alex
> >
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