Reseted fault, OK, NOTHING changed grrrrrrr Re: Found code 2142; knock sens:

Denis sparkplugvw at
Tue Dec 14 18:08:11 EST 2004

RE: Reseted fault, OK, NOTHING changed grrrrrrr Re: Found code 2142;knock sens:Performance is intermitent..... the timing cant be intermit..

  For the fuel pressure i ll add a pressure meter to see all the time i need...i would like to see it while i m driving to see when it drop.

  I ll check the compression too,,, but as i said the problem is internitent,,,,,, but almost always dont work good.

  While i was up hill today the car become powerful for 3 secondes the cow agin....

  I m pretty sure there other important leaks,,,,,,, i ll replace th einjector O rings,,, i used silicon but i heard a high frequency air sound at idle...

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Tony Lum 
    To: Denis 
    Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 6:01 PM
    Subject: RE: Reseted fault, OK, NOTHING changed grrrrrrr Re: Found code 2142;knock sens:

    Denis, how's your fuel pump?  There are no diagnostics for fuel system, so bad pump=weak fuel pressures=lousy performance.  Re-check basic engine timing-mechanical not electrical.  If you check electrical timing (with timing light) make sure to leave fuse in relay to stablize engine timing, otherwise its hard to read.  If timing has slipped, you will get poor performance too.  Maybe bent valves too.  Check compression on all 5 cylinders.


    -----Original Message----- 
    From: quattro-bounces at 
    [mailto:quattro-bounces at]On Behalf Of Denis 
    Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 12:31 PM 
    To: quattro at 
    Subject: Reseted fault, OK, NOTHING changed grrrrrrr Re: Found code 
    2142;knock sens: 

      I chaged 2 connectors, clean other .....I reseted the fault code, i unplug the battery couple minutes.... 

      I took a 15 minutes ride with the 100Q..... 

      Back home i tried to retrival fault code..... 4444 

      That means everything is OK. 

      The car still running as a big COW. 
      poor idling, poor start , poor fuel consomption,,,, nothing changed. 

      Looked in the dark if any spark goes trough wires,,,,, seems good., >From the distr spark cap,, no spark too ,, seems not leak there too.

      What is the next  step ?  plzzz GOD help me,,, or Santa cl..... or ... any miracle guy :-) 

      Ha, forgot,,, the oil pressure now tells me at top full range !!!! and the syboles in the cluster bip all the time to say '' hey add oil man !   ''

      I hope my 100Q tells me what s wrong , but it does not speak to me :-(,, i gave him gaz, oil, windshield water, prestone,,, and his still not happy....... sound like my girlfriend hehehe maybe my 100Q was a girl in previous life ? :-)

      Help me someone before i tell stupid thing,,, i already did ,, oups... 

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