RPM oscilate .... Re: Reseted fault, OK, NOTHING changed

Denis sparkplugvw at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 14 20:28:21 EST 2004

  I just bought a gallon of 99.9% alcool :-)

  I ll put some on the gaz tank and drink the alcool left :-).
  I think i have enough for couple antifreeze treatments ;-)
  I ll do a connector tonight to test the DPR...

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Kneale Brownson 
    To: Denis ; quattro at audifans.com ; Kent McLean 
    Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 7:33 PM
    Subject: Re: RPM oscilate .... Re: Reseted fault, OK, NOTHING changed

    My 200q20v behaved just like your description, Denis, when I got a load of
    bad gas at a station on the turnpike while I was driving from Michigan to
    Pennsylvania last summer.  Several treatments with the kind of gasline
    antifreeze that absorbs water cleared up the missing/stalling under
    acceleration.  Thanks to Steve Bednarski (I want your car, Steve), I got
    the thing running well enough to get back home.  It  took two tanksful of
    gas with the antifreeze to eliminate the misbehavior completely.

    At 05:20 PM 12/14/2004 -0500, Denis wrote:
    >  Yeah, maybe its water,,, but the car was like that since i putted it on 
    >the road last winter.
    >  I ll buy gaz elswhere if it change something, that s what i can do.

    >  There is what it does:
    >  When it idle, the engine rpm up until some equilibre point then cut the 
    >gaz until it reach a lower speed, then again speed is to low and it RPM up 
    >again until .....
    >  Same behavior when i keep the accelerator at the same place for couple 
    >minutes on the road. The car accelerate until equilibre then cut gaz until 
    >it loer speed ,, the at poitn its to slw , then it accelerate again....
    >  It really bugs me on trafic rod where the traffic speed is stable.... the 
    >car goes then cut ,,, goes then cut,,, if i keep the acc stable....

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