Shifter boot malfuntion - 1987 5000

Dave C dconner at
Tue Dec 14 20:33:47 EST 2004

I need advice re: a malfunctioning shifter boot.  The shift boot was
redesigned in 1989 so this mainly relates to 1984 -1988 model years.

The plastic frame won't remain clipped in place.  It seems the leather
is too stiff and pulls on the frame.  Or maybe the frame clips are
just tired.  Or maybe both.  It is worse in cold weather... maybe
because cold makes the leather more stiff.  Maybe I need to replace
the frame.  But if the real problem is stiff leather then I still need
to fix that.  I tried repeated application of Lexol leather
conditioner but it hasn't helped.  I also tried a bit of 3M strip
caulk at each corner of the frame.  This helped during warm weather
but it ceased to function with arrival of cold weather and now the
boot flops around with every shift.

The family album lists a part number for the frame with a price that
isn't too bad but the list price for a new Audi leather boot seems

Has anyone successfully dealt with this?
 - -
Dave C.

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