timing belt skipped Re: How was your trip home?

SJ syljay at optonline.net
Sat Dec 25 02:07:34 EST 2004

> From: "Kent McLean" <kentmclean at mindspring.com>
> Subject: Re: timing belt skipped Re: How was your trip home? (SJ)
> "SJ" <syljay at optonline.net> wrote:
> > ***** I was trying to nip the problem in the bud.
> What problem?  That none of your wrenches fit the nuts on your car?  :)
**** No wrench can fit my nuts. I gots Macho Nuts! If . . .I can find them.
They're hiding someplace.
> Denis was giving us valid measurements.  If you truly feel that way
> about the metric system, perhaps you shouldn't drive a car built in a
> country that uses metric measures.
**** Actually, the vacuum measurement issue was not about english vs metric.
Rather, it was about absolute pressure verses mercury barometer reading.
I knew that listers and Denis would get confused if we didnt settle on one
system. I figured confusion would happen and it did happen.
If you recall, Denis said his vacuum reading was 9 psi . .. which equals 20
in Hg. Turns out that his vacuum was actually 9 in Hg. Had he said 9 in Hg
in the first place, we would have immediately known that he had a massive
air leak or a valve timing problem. As it turns out, he did have a timing
Almost all info sources(english) regarding manifold vacuum in cars will use
the "inch Hg" method of measuring vacuum and not "psi", or some other
system. Things are simplified and less prone to errors if everyone uses the
same measurement system.

I rest my case.

Actually, I much prefer the metric system. Life is so much simpler when you
dont have to remember the arcane english system of conversion between units.
Two pints make a quart? Or was that 4 cups? Oh, wait . .its 32 oz?

> Happy Winter Solstice.
> Kent, inches and centimeters bi-lingual

Merry Christmas!!!

SJ, not bi, but "lingual" . . I read the Kama Sutra . .   :-)

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