Part II - Ooops... revved the car and it died... wont restart

David Thoresen david at
Mon Dec 27 18:38:11 EST 2004

Ok opened the distributor cap just to check whats going on inside 
there... found the rotor spins freely!!!  :eek:  its attached to the 
distributor but I always thought that was supposed to be somewhat 

Doesn't say to much in the bentley about the distributor... so is my 
best bet to get a new distributor or did I seriously mess something up 
in there?

Thank You!

                   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
e p i c    p h o t o g r a p h y
                         b y
                   d a v i d   t h o r e s e n

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