Denis was:must find a way to get home without fuelregulator:100Q fuel

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Tue Dec 28 13:57:35 EST 2004

"Denis" <sparkplugvw at> wrote:
>  I checked ant leaks with ether aroung the intake. The engine was 
> not accelerating when i putted ether around the boot or any hoses. 
> The only place i got accelerate is around the aluminium intake close 
> to the head.

Keep looking, concentrating your search around the intake
manifold.  Try to isolate where you spray the ether -- a paper
towel tube might help.  Cut a slot on the side of the tube for
the hose, and place it over each fuel injector, in turn, spraying 
ether into the tube.  That may pinpoint the leak to a specific

Another thought:  it is possible the previous owner had the 
intake manifold off, and they didn't do a good job with the
(replacement?) gasket, causing an air leak at the intake 
manifold itself.

Keeping plugging away at this.  I'm sure many of us are
looking forware to a final "it's fixed" message from you. :)

'94 100 S Avant
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" has a new home

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