BAD dealer service

mike mikemk40 at
Wed Dec 29 14:01:56 EST 2004

just a thought but in the uk places like tyre rack
have a reputation for finding shocks and brakes that
need changing...get the old pads as evidence


 --- Steve R <srosen at> wrote: 
> I brought my 02 Allroad into an independent shop to
> mount a set of tires I got from the Tire Rack. I get
> a call from him, says the rear pads are down to
> almost nothing. The thing is, I just had the car in
> the dealer last week for an annual inspection and
> some minor warranty repair on the car. Not a single
> word about the pads.
> I get on the phone with the dealer and ask him about
> the warranty service I'm supposed to get with this
> car. He tells me the brakes are covered. He said the
> pads must have been good enough to pass inspecton
> but I can bring the car back in next week. Now this
> is BS!!! I say. no one even checked them. Someone is
> going to die when I get there. 
> I tell the shop replace them. I'm taking an 800 mile
> road trip this coming week.
> Am I going to have a fight now getting my $221 back
> which will cover all costs including  cutting the
> rotors? I wished he charged me 10x the amount just
> so I can give the dealer the bill.
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