88 5KTQ Big ploblems

jesper moreau jesper5ktqm.audi at gmail.com
Thu Dec 30 18:33:14 EST 2004

Engine was not running following rebuild
My efforts over the last month and a half have been to get it started.
I solved a spark problem, figured out I had a fuel problem.... and
while doing a routine turnover to see if it would start the  sngine
acted like thew starter died, but after replacing it with a brand new
one, I find that it was not the starter at all, but yet all of a
sudden the crankshaft is difficult to turn over!
I am sad..... it sounds like something major may be wrong. anyone
agree or do I have any hope?

On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 17:16:24 -0500, Denis <sparkplugvw at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Well, you get in trouble, like me . Lots of problems not solved yet. 
> The engine was running ? 
> The starter is gone, you replaced it and now ? you cant start anymore ? 
> Ðenis 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: jesper moreau 
> To: list submissions 
> Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 5:10 PM 
> Subject: 88 5KTQ Big ploblems 
> Man guys... My stomach is not feeling well after hearing what I hear now...
> You all have helped me resolve my spark problem... and I have spark now
> I narrowed my starting issue to a lack of fuel pressure..... no problem
> I was turning over my car, "as usual", and it sounded like my starter
> went.... it is the origional looks like crap and so expected it went.
> I ordered a new one... put that beauty in and .....
> raow.......rr....rrr...click.... raow....
> I tried to turn the crank shaft and it was much more difficult to turn
> than usual.
> I have done the bearings (main and conn. rod) It almost sounds like it
> spun a bearing or crud is up in there.....
> It has never officially started although it jumped a couple of times.
> What do you all think. I do need to drain the oil and pull the pan
> yet.....i would just love to hear some encouraging words right about
> now. Should I expect to have to buy new bearings? Yikes!!
> -- 
> Jesper Moreau
> '88 5KTQ rocket
> '86 5KTQ stock
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Jesper Moreau
'88 5KTQ rocket
'86 5KTQ stock

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