lm3914 bar graph

Ti Kan ti at amb.org
Thu Dec 30 22:50:46 EST 2004

Brendan Walsh writes:
> Chris, check the spech sheet on that chip you'll see a three pins
> called Vref, V hi and V low, iirc. THe data sheet shows how to set up
> a voltage divider for the circuitwithrespect to Vref. all you'll need
> to do is the math for the correct resistance ratio to connect Vlow to.
> If you know teh voltage you need, say closer than roughy 1 volt, ie
> take a measurement, it will make it a lot easier. Just be sure to use
> a high enough impedance(aka resistance) so as not to interfere with
> the function of the ecu. I would try to keep current draw to <1-2mA.
> remember V=(R1xVt)/(r1+r2) which i'm sure you know since you're
> fooling about with chips already. Shoot me an email if you need the
> data sheet, one of my favorite chips, has about a million uses and
> counting...

The LM3914 datasheet is here:

Ti Kan
Vorsprung durch Technik

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