Fwd: Donate and Get Software ! NAC
Robert Myers
robert at s-cars.org
Fri Dec 31 23:55:21 EST 2004
Hi Y'all,
This is pretty far from things Audi but it strikes me as a nice gesture and
perhaps you have been thinking about doing something along this line
anyway. I have not checked out the proposition but I am familiar with the
organization, "Oxfam". They are legit.
>From: "CoffeeCup CEO" <noreply at coffeecup.com>
>Reply-To: "CoffeeCup CEO" <noreply at coffeecup.com>
>To: "robert at s-cars.org" <robert at s-cars.org>
>Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 23:04:45 -0700
>Subject: Donate and Get Software !
>X-FUNK-SOUL: Brutha
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>This is Nick the CEO of CoffeeCup Software.
>I'm sure you have heard about the earthquake and tsunamis that have
>devastated Asia. Over 120,000 people have died so far and almost 1/3
>of these are children.
>I just gave to Oxfam - a respected non-profit that is working to help
>survivors of this horrible disaster. Oxfam can not give you anything
>for your donation, but CoffeeCup can give you software when you help
>the people of South Asia.
> You can donate quickly and easily online Here:
> -> https://secure.ga3.org/02/asia_earthquake04?source=aqt04_cc
>If you donate more than $35 email me your receipt and I will give you
>your choice of CoffeeCup VisualSite Designer, CoffeeCup Firestarter,
>or CoffeeCup PixConverter.
>Donate more than $100 and I will give you the CoffeeCup HTML Editor
>or CoffeeCup Direct FTP.
>Donate $500 or more and I will send you ALL of our software on CD.
>To get the software just donate to Oxfam using the link above, then email
>your receipt and choice of software to: donate at coffeecup.com
>Thank you for your support in this time of great need,
>Dr. Nicholas Longo - Founder|CEO
>CoffeeCup Software Inc.
>You received this message because you opted-in this address
>to our newsletter via our Website or when you downloaded or
>purchased our Software, Web Hosting, or other product or service.
>To change your newsletter settings go here:
>All requests are honored but may take up to 72 hours to
>process. To learn more about how we received your email
>address, please contact: abuse at coffeecup.com
Random Bushism: "I thought how proud I am to be standing up beside my dad.
Never did it occur to me that he would become the gist for cartoonists."
George W. Bush, Newsweek, Feb. 28, 2000
Robert Myers
'95 urS6 - Cashmere Grey
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