Fuel Distributor Connectors

Ameer Antar antar at comcast.net
Sun Feb 1 23:53:01 EST 2004

OK, so the problem is making more sense. BTW, if you want to test the possibilty those banjo bolts are doing something, but don't want to pull the injectors, you could always just reattach the lines to the dist. and diconnect the injectors from the lines.

Anwyay, the connection to the Cold Start Valve isn't metered inside the fuel dist. since the solenoid takes care of that, unlike the injector outlets which are metered by the dist. So if the CSV is working, that means the supply side of the dist. is OK. The problem is somewhere between the connection between the dist. and the regulated return to the fuel dist. or with the dist. itself. The fuel dist. is expensive, even used, so I'd start looking for any problems w/ the regulator or associated lines. It could be a bad reg or crud in the connections. The line going from the dist. to regulator near the supply line should have full fuel pressure. Then the regulated output of the pressure regulator (shorter line) should also get a high amount of output on it's way back to the fuel dist. on the opposite side. If all checks out and no crud is evident in the connections, you can rule out the pressure regulator. That points to the dist. You might be able to get a deal on ebay or some wreck yard (look a Audifans' list). You may try to use carb cleaner on the old one, but I've heard bad things about using harsh chemicals on the CIS metering valves b/c of o-rings and such. I guess if you've proven it's bad it couldn't hurt anything... If you're really interested you might want to take the old one apart and see what the deal is. I think a lot of people on the list would love to see the guts of one of these things.. I know would. Let us know what happens and good luck.


---Original Message---
From: "Marc Boucher" <mboucher70 at hotmail.com>
Date: 2/1/04 9:55:37 PM
Subject: Re: Fuel Distributor Connectors

The filter was changed as the first attempt to solve the problem.

Problem is the engine starts and dies in one second or less.  By putting a
constant twelve volts to the cold start valve (normally it only receives
power for a few seconds) it will run.  Two seconds after removing the power
to the cold start valve the car dies.  Thus apparently the car is only
getting fuel to the cold start valve and none through the injectors.
Disconnecting the injector at the distributor was an attempt to prove this.

The procedure you describe below is exactly as its been tested...jumper the
fuel pump and lift the plate.  Result: No fuel came out of the top of
distributor to the injector.  We know fuel flows to the cold start valve,
but apparently not to the regular injectors.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ameer Antar" <antar at comcast.net>
To: "Marc Boucher" <mboucher70 at hotmail.com>
Cc: "Quattro List" <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: Fuel Distributor Connectors

You proobly did this, but always test the flow after the fuel filter, b/c
they can get blocked or at least impede flow if they get any junk or varnish
from the fuel tank. If you don't know the age of the filter, change it.

So the engine is running? What's the problem you're trying to fix??? If
there's no flow after the dist., then you're not testing it right. To test
the system, you need to jumper the fuel pump relay w/ a wire or fuse and
then you also need to raise the airflow meter arm to make the fuel flow. Do
this w/ the injectors connected. You can pull the injectors out of the head
and monitor the fuel spray pattern into a glass jar. You can also check if
they leak when the airflow meter is closed. I'm not sure what you're trying
to track down, but if the engine is running but not great, the problem is
not likely in the fuel dist, unless you've tested EVERYTHING else. Start w/
the simple (and cheaper) explanations then move on to the difficult areas.


---Original Message---
From: "Marc Boucher" <mboucher70 at hotmail.com>
Date: 2/1/04 9:14:28 PM
Subject: Re: Fuel Distributor Connectors

Now that I think about it, what I was noticing was the washer...I was
wondering if possibly they press on something underneath that make the fuel
flow.  Nothing came out of the distributor when a bolt was completely
unscrewed but when partially loosened it leaked a little bit of fluid (not
the quantity you'd expect for that kind of pressure though)...

There is a good amount of flow both both from the pump and returning to the
pump.  The distributor has a healthy supply of fuel from 2
perspectives...one, the cold start valve has enough fuel supply to make the
engine idle and even rev up to 2000 rpm if it is supplied a constant
voltage.  Also, when the diff pressure regulator is removed from the side of
the distributor it clearly is pressurized as fuel sprays 6 feet ...

Someone on the board suggested that the distributor might be filled with gas
gone bad (varnished) and thus the float stuck and I should spray carb
cleaner in to tyr and remove it.  This hasn't helped so far.

The fuel pressure regulator appears to be outside...a separate
unit...someone mentioned that it has one of those 'hidden' screws to adjust
the pressure (akin to the mixture screw).  I haven't been able to see it

Thanks again,


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