HELP! I-5 crankshaft end-play problem

Ameer Antar antar at
Mon Feb 2 11:27:34 EST 2004

So, I got to laying down the crank in the block today and I was scratching my head about those thrust washers and the end-play on the crank. The new oversize main bearing set (.25mm) seem to be different than the stock ones. One pair of bearing shells has a lip on each side to fit over the recesses of the #4 main bearing cap. So I guess with this type of bearing set, you don't need to use the multi-piece thrust washers. Do I have that right?

After test fitting the crank, everything seems fine and lined up, but I'm getting absolutely zero end-play on the crankshaft. I even tried tapping on the crank snout, but there's no movement. It looks like the spec is at least .003", but I can't get any feeler gauge in there. So I'm guessing that maybe the #4 bearing shells need to be machined to the right tolerance. How is this done? Should both shells be done at the same time? Does it matter which side of the shell I grind? Any comments or BTDT's would be much appreciated, otherwise I'm stuck! Thanks again.


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