Subject: Fuel Pump Relay differences

Ben Swann benswann at
Wed Feb 4 22:01:40 EST 2004

I discovered as mentioned in prior post, the locations of the pins is
different between pins - I suppose the engineers did this to keep us engine
swappers on our toes ( and knees and back...)..ben
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Fred no" <frederick999991 at>
To: <benswann at>
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 9:36 PM
Subject: Subject: Fuel Pump Relay differences

> Hmm maybe check the relay it may be shot (just find a local audi 80 lol)
> your ground control isnt right???
> I say this because i've installed  mc1 tq relay on my 4000 turbo still
> ... however if i remember right i used the ecu's GROUND CONTROL cis-e
> coil's but cis-e 3  last time i checked i beleive only the rpm was
> to coil. If you really need to know i can go check out my  coupe (2.3l..)
> know...
> Ahh the joys of electronics...

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