Differential Pressure Regulator[was No start WAS: Fuel Distributor Connec...

Ben Swann benswann at comcast.net
Wed Feb 4 22:18:47 EST 2004

Well, they are both CIS-E3 - engines are prcatically identical.  I think the fuel pump relay for the QSW has a lower cutoff value than the 4kq, but don't know for sure.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: SuffolkD at aol.com 
  To: benswann at comcast.net ; audi at humanspeakers.com 
  Cc: mboucher70 at hotmail.com ; antar at comcast.net ; quattro at audifans.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 2:05 PM
  Subject: Re: Differential Pressure Regulator[was No start WAS: Fuel Distributor Connec...

  Ben et al: 
  I swapped out my dead unit 4000Q for a junk yard quantum 5cyl.  The part color was black vs the grey part I had before. 
  One other measured infinity so i skipped it and took this one which had a steady value. 
  It worked...............stroke of luck?  Possibly. -Scott by BOSTON 


    I won't assert that the DPRs can be exchanged between  CIS's E & E3, and for 
    the sake of making sure no-one uses the wrong part, let's just assume that 
    they aren't interchangeable.  The one I reported is most likely a fluke, or 
    more likely my mis-reading of the Bosch part number, as I was comparing the 
    suffix numbers, and there may have been something I missed maybe in the 
    prefix - box with CIS-E is back on the shelf. 

    It would be nice if they were interchangeable, 
    but I don't even think I'd take that chance, unless I had an unlimited time 
    to test. 

    Someone had mentioned the DPR resistance spec. (18-20ohm?) and the two 
    definatively CIS-EIII DPRs I  tested were just over 18.  The 2-3 CIS-E ones 
    I tested,  were all closer to 22, except for one that read infinity, which I 
    must assume is bad.  For purposes of the original post that started all 
    this, Marc's reading (around 18) indicates that his DPR passed this test. 


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