in tank fuel pump replacement

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at
Sat Feb 7 08:33:50 EST 2004


  When I did the fuel pumps on my 87 5ksq NF motor
(mines the first generation), & 90 200tqa I got the
same pump Pierburg # 98172 (allso the same pump in the
 described as HEL (maybe means Hella?) anyways,
 the way that both cars held in the pumps was
different on my 5kq it was just a case of lining up 3
rubber bushings to 3 male plastic pins very simple but
my 90 200 was held in differently (which I think is
the case with you'r 100) & same as the 200 20V & V8's
 the pump is held in by a cage (plastic surround) &
there are marks that have to be lined up & taken apart
definatley took a little while longer than my 5kq did
 allso took quiet a toll on my hands cause there's a
special tool to make turning the case easier.
 $205 US is like $30 more than I paied for the
Pierburg pumps $170, If you go with the Pierburg
(which you should) then there should be everything
needed to switch over from a Bosch to the Pierburg
allready in the box. 
 Allso the Pierburg eliminates the use of the sound
damper ontop of the pump it's replaced with a cap nut.
 Well I replaced the old Bosch Czech Republic pump
with the Pierburg on my 5ksq about a year ago
 & I shit you not it still is as quiet as the day I
installed it.
87 5ksq many mods original owner
90 200tqa many mods
90 V8 pearl 88k 02 S4 Avus 17's 

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