Batteries -- maybe this is why some fail in cold climes

superba superba at
Tue Feb 10 01:15:43 EST 2004

Hi All,

When I was searching for a new battery about a year ago, I remember that the
Sears Die Hard has batteries for different climates.  I don't know how many
versions, but I do remember a version for cold weather, like Minnesota, etc,
and one for balmy places like California.  I obviously selected the one for
balmy climes.

Quite possibly the premature failures are due to wrong application e.g. warm
climate battery in a cold climate, etc.

BTW, I wouldn't be surprised to find that Johnson Controls makes all the
batteries in North America.

My .02 worth.


Jim Jordan

>  Message: 8
>  Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2004 22:12:12 -0600
>  From: Todd Young <auditodd at>
>  Subject: Re: Batteries
>  To: Andrew Duane <andrew at>
>  Cc: Quattro List <quattro at>
>  Message-ID: <40285A1C.2080006 at>
>  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
>  Walmart.
>  Their batteries are produced by Johnson Controls. One of the major
>  manufacturers in the US. This is the second winter I've had one in my
>  car, and we have had a LOT of sub-zero temps here in Minnesota, and my
>  car always fires right up.
>  Funny thing, my wife's 2000 Mazda battery appears to be failing also.
>  What the heck ever happened to getting a quality battery straight from
>  the factory?
>  Andrew Duane wrote:
>  > Well, at the staggeringly ripe old age of 3 years, the battery
>  > in my A6Q will no longer reliably start my car. What is the current
>  > consensus on replacement batteries? Interstate?
>  >
>  --
>  Todd Young
>  7079 Dawn Ave. E.
>  Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076

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