86 5ktq in rally cross!

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Tue Feb 10 14:44:07 EST 2004

Actually the 2 qlist stickers are on the avant.  The sedan has yellow
pokemon stickers -(I have young kids, alright? :))
We will definitely put the qlist stickers on the sedan for the race -
but the pokemon stickers stay!

I would love to be able to unlock the center diff going into a corner,
and lock it to come out of the corner, then repeat at the next corner,
but the rotating switch doesn't lend itself to that very well.  Maybe we
can rig up a different switching mechanism....
Surely some listers are racing their older Q's....has anyone reworked
the diff lock switching?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brady Moffatt [mailto:bradym at sympatico.ca] 
> Sent: February 10, 2004 11:25 AM
> To: Livolsi, Stephane; Audi Quattro List
> Subject: RE: 86 5ktq in rally cross!
> Do you have your q-list sticker on the car?
> IME, locking both diffs will get you out of a corner much 
> faster, but it is also much harder to rotate the car coming 
> in to a corner. If you can't get it to rotate, you're better 
> off with the diffs open.
> Of course, there's also the intangible cool factor of even 
> being able to lock the diffs at all. That'll psyche out the 
> other competitors. ;)
> Cheers,
> Brady
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com 
> [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com]On
> Behalf Of Livolsi, 
> Stephane
> Yes!  I was thinking that too, that maybe the way it is (with 
> the center diff lock disconnected) I would be able to lock up 
> only the rear and that this may be preferable.  Any comments?
> Btw, I corrected my own subject line - it's an 86 5ktq, not 
> an 85. Although it looks like an 84 because I converted to 
> the old style quad rectangular lamp headlights from the 84 
> parts 5kt. :)
> I think that the yellow Audi and Quattro badges on the trunk 
> lid will guarantee a win or two...
> Stephane

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