86 5ktq in rally cross!

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Tue Feb 10 16:53:39 EST 2004

> Here in Oregon most of the cars are Subarus. You should be
> able to spank 
> most of the WRX's in the PGT class once you have a couple of 
> races under 
> your belt. It's pretty satisfying to beat cars that are 
> shorter, lighter 
> and have more HP. 
> It will be a lot of fun I'm sure!!

Specialty Subaru (dealership) is a major sponsor of the event.  At
previous events in the area there have been huge amounts of scubies.
We're looking forward to the competition, right Tihol?

Having said that, I'm not about to kid myself.  I've played around a bit
in the snow and ice and dirt roads, but this will be my first 'official'
race.  I'll be happy to take my car home without another dented fender.

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