86 5ktq in rally cross!

tihol tiholov tihol.tiholov at sd27.bc.ca
Tue Feb 10 17:42:44 EST 2004

>Yellow stickers AND q-list stickers? You'll be unbeatable!

That AND Q-list stickers on the second Audi (90 Q), for now supporting
vehicle, who knows, may become the secret weapon once we get there.  See
if the Torsen will be a biting spyder or what - hopefully didn't anger
the Audi gods with the T-word.

If I may ask 2 questions:  
- Any secret tips on driving the Audi(es) fast on the ice?  We know it
plows and have to turn in early, what else?
- Would the tech inspectors worry too much about the rear rotors being
less than shiny?

Any other advice re: rally cross will be welcome, too


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