Florida turnpike and Sunpass - LAC

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 11 11:06:28 EST 2004

Supposedly, they snap a picture of your license plate with a camera. I
know in NJ, which implemented the EZ-Pass system within the last couple of
years, collecting the fines of toll-runners has run way behind what they
thought they would get... Apparently the business case for these things
incuded a certain amount of revenue from toll-evaders. This probably
created a higher rationale than the reduced congestion at tolls, leading
to fewer accidents and less pollution........ 

Dan D
'04 A4 1.8T q MT-6
Central NJ USA
--- "Livolsi, Stephane" <Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com> wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, for those of us living in less 'civilized' parts
> of the world...
> What happens if you don't stop to pay the tolls?  

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