Florida turnpike and Sunpass - LAC

Dan Cordon cord4530 at uidaho.edu
Wed Feb 11 11:59:30 EST 2004

--- Mike Arman <armanmik at earthlink.net> wrote:

>> Not much Audi content here, although if I get one of these things it is 
>> going into my Audi.
>> Florida DOT is selling a device called "Sunpass" 
If one was really concerned about big brother, how about buying two 
passes? You pass through a toll booth, then pull pass #1 off the dash 
and replace with pass #2. After the next toll booth, remove pass #2 and 
replace with pass #1.

This way they'd have to be checking average speed across three booths, 
not having gotten a signal from the middle one. Of course, if the 
*unused* pass wasn't shielded well, you could be getting charged twice 
each time you went by, and the whole scheme wouldn't work.

This makes me wonder.....what would happen if everyone actually drove 
the speed limit 100% of the time. Would things be better, or would they 
be worse?

Dan Cordon
Mechanical Engineer - Engine Research Facility
University of Idaho

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