Tubular contro arms, any interest??

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Wed Feb 11 18:14:44 EST 2004

> I am in process of designing some tubilar control arms for the type-81, type-85 and type-89 cars.
> The control arm would include provisions for stock sway bar, custom sway bar, suspension link a'la rally cars and rose joint type ball joint.
> The arms could use OEM, "hard" or needle bushings.
> Also, this would eliminate the now almost impossible to find stock ball joints..
> Obviously wide veriaty of materials can be used depending on price.
> Let me know if you are interested and possibly how much you would be willing to pay for such bolt on kit (per axle).

If the price was even slightly competetive with the price of new ones, 
that would be sweet.  I think you can buy a new control arm with 
bushings installed for about $70 (US) or so.  I wouldn't mind having to 
buy four new ball joints at the same time.  (How much would they be, 

I am planning on replacing all these arms and bushings this summer on my 
90Q, so if I could use a part that allows easier camber adjustment I'd 
be very interested.

Huw Powell



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