Tubular contro arms, any interest??

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Fri Feb 13 09:52:00 EST 2004

FWIW, the price paid for a car should have no dictation on the cost to 
manufacture a high quality part.  I get this all the time with 034efi, 

Potential Cheapass Audi Owner:
"You mean you want me to spend $1100 on a ECU, I only paid $250 for the whole 
car!!!! (Ghassssp!!!)"

"WTF???? (hand shaped gun to the temple, pull the trigger)"

Martin, maybe you could make a sliding pay scale based on what people have 
paid for their cars?  IOW, if you paid $1-$200, here is what the axles will cost 
you, $201-$500, etc.  Sort of like the US Tax system w/o all the loop holes.

Granted, if you got your car for free, then the CA's should be free too, that 
only makes natural sense.



In a message dated 2/13/2004 4:31:29 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
Martin at quattro.ca writes:

That's too bad... I paid $600 for mine... ;)

I think someone mentioned that number and I am using it as a base line... 
maybe they meant per car... oh well.
Obviously after I make the initial set, I'll be able to see the actual 
expense... not looking to make fortune.. just 10-15% above costs.
The current string of e-mails is designed to get input from you guys so 
please feel free to make a reasonable suggestion, on design and price.


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Robert Mangas" <porter_t_dog at hotmail.com>
Date:  Fri, 13 Feb 2004 12:15:01 +0000

>   Martin, did you really mean $500/*axle*?
>NB:  I paid $1550 for my 4kq...
>>In a message dated 2/12/2004 4:22:14 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>>martin at quattro.ca writes:
>>Hi guys,
>>Here is a pic of the arm in it's perlimenary state:
>>Any suggestions on what you guys would like to see would be appriciated.
>>I can't find a parasolid of a rose joint anywhere.. if someone has a model
>>of one M16 or M18 would be appriciated.
>>Parasolid will do.
>>As per suggestion I think I can stay under $500 per axle, complete with
>>bushings (OEM would be cheaper), joint, and stud to bolt it onto stock
>>Pajak Performance Parts

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