lister? (you will know if it was you)
Rocky Mullin
caliban at
Mon Feb 16 07:09:36 EST 2004
2bennett converted it? and it still runs?
At 10:44 PM -0500 2/12/04, JShadzi at wrote:
>Hmm, that sounds like Larry Boyer's 20vt converted 4kq...
>In a message dated 2/12/2004 7:43:40 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>jercurry at writes:
>I-15 S. Bound in Salt Lake City. You Yellow 4kq with very large audi rings
>and large 2bennet racing stickerq and 17 or 18" wheels. I would assume
>turbo. I was in a pearl '91 20v. Interesting car, anyway.
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Rocky Mullin | |
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