brakes, tires, and "Suspension sources - '83 UrQ"

Rocky Mullin caliban at
Mon Feb 16 14:37:55 EST 2004

At 11:35 AM -0800 2/16/04, tihol tiholov wrote:
>  >their tech noticed almost gone left rear brake pads, while the 
>right had 30% left. *they recommended that i get them all done 
>including new calipers. *i held off, waiting to see what the list 
>says. *
>The list sez: "Listen to them but don't trust them!"
>>he said that the calipers are part of their regular service
>Yeah, sure, and you pay more labor.  Funny he didn't mention rotors

	he did, actually.  he said "hopefully it'll turn".

	thanks for all the other info!

>  > ... i should do them because there is something wrong
>that caused this set of pads to wear too fast.
>Nothing's wrong as long as the calipers slide/float on the guide 
>pins - best take them off, clean them, grease them and put nice 
>whole little boots on attached at both sides - on guide pin and 
>carrier bracket.
>>... but can't i just put new pads in
>Of course you can.  Need to retract the pistons, though. 
>>(oh, and what is a good pad to use??)
>Many opinions here - avoid Raybestos ;o)
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  Rocky Mullin              | |

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