V8 91 completed for parts, found
Denis Julien
sparkplugvw at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 17 12:21:26 EST 2004
For the clutch and PP i have been told it s 300$ and the clutch 200$
canadian price.(if i remember right)
You ll get nice project.
Well i ll follow the nice avdvices, i ll wait for less km engine, complete
car.3000 000km is to much. f i can get it almost free, that s ok,,,,;-) i
ll offer a redicul price after 2 mounth , and if they accept my offer, then
i ll take as is no rebuilt.
I have been told that 20V is heavier 15kg over the V8.
For upper half pan there is there original reply.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Howell [mailto:bhowell at rmi.net]
Sent: 29 May 2003 17:27
To: Alan Pritchard
Subject: Re: V8 UrQ
Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I will try to help in
anyway that I can, however, i never did finish the project. I sold the
entire project before it was completed...to fund another project of course.
I have a few major questions at this moment in time...
You mated the engine to your standard urq gearbox, did that require the use
of a different clutch assembly?
You have to mix-and-match clutch parts. The Pressure plate needs to match
the flywheel and the disc needs to match the gearbox and then the need to be
the same size of course. So, I used the Pressure plate and flywheel from a
Manual V8 and a clutch disc from a UrQ/5ktq and they are all 240mm.
Or did you use the v8/urq clutch? Was the v8 a manual or an auto? And does
it make any difference that you know off?
The V8 was from a manual. They are VERY rare, but it doesn;t have to be from
a manual car. You can get a motor from an Auto car, but you will need to buy
the upper sump plate from Audi. This is the cast alu. upper half of the oil
pan that goes between the block and the lower steel oil pan. It must be from
a Manual trans car and is about $400 from Audi.
Engine mounts, you say they needed cutting off the subframe and rewelding?
Was this just a case of mounting the engine to the gearbox with the mounts
bolted to the engine, and were they sit on the subframe is where you would
weld them?
Well, the motor mount brackets are actually welded to the frame rails (only
the 4cyl. cars mounted the engine to the sub-frame). So, you have to cut the
brackets off the frame rails, put the V8 in the engine bay (bolted to the
tranny) and then that will give you an idea as to where the new motor mount
brackets will need to be located and welded to the frame rails.
Thanks, any info will be very usefully received,
I think the biggest task and the one that I never finished is cooling. There
is so little room up front with the engine in the car that I never did solve
the radiator question. I had some of the thinnest radiators I could find
from various cars (japanese and european) and while they would fit with
ease, I couldn;t find a fan thin enough to get in there as well.
Also if you have any other sources of information for the transplant that
would be great.
You might try contacting Jeff Goggin as he is the guy that I sold the car
to. I have not talked with him in quite some time, but I hear through the
grapevine that he has made progress on in. His last known e-mail is:
audidudi at mindspring.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Hoffman Anthony J A1C 552 CMS/MXMVC" <Anthony.Hoffman at tinker.af.mil>
To: "'Denis Julien'" <sparkplugvw at hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:38 AM
Subject: RE: V8 91 completed for parts, found
> Those engines are extremely expensive to go through. Good idea to leave
> one alone. I understand your want for a manual V8, but they are EXTREMELY
> rare. The flywheel is $400 wholesale USD. The clutch is $500 for a good
> performance one, so I would just deal with the swap, especially since you
> may not be using the stock pp for your application. I am unaware of what
> are talking about with the oil pan. I have spoke with Keith @
> (quite an expert on V8Q's) about the conversion to manual, as he has done
> them, and he did not mention swapping the oil pan. By the way, the V8 used
> an 016 for the manual, same basic design as the 016 in the 4000, 80/90,
> 5000/100/200 Quattros. The bellhousings are also the same. I am planning
> putting my V8 into a 4000Q. the 5-cyl 90's weigh about 100 lbs more, and
> 6-cyl's weigh about 400 lbs more.
> Tony Hoffman
> 1991 V8Q
> 1990 V8Q
> numerous Audi parts cars.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Denis Julien [mailto:sparkplugvw at hotmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 10:04 AM
> To: quattro at audifans.com; Hoffman Anthony J A1C 552 CMS/MXMVC
> Subject: Re: V8 91 completed for parts, found
> Yep i know. :-)
> I have found another one, 1000$ but 300 000km on it. lot s of replies told
> me never buy it. Need engine rebuilt and it ll cost nmore than buy a
> complete good working V8 car ;-).
> I found a complete good working for 4000$ canadian. I ll not scrap a V8 to
> get engine. And i much prefer a manual V8, i ll not have to buy a flywheel
> and PP, and not change a oil aluminium pan from auto to manual
> s of cost if i take auto tranny V8 car.
> Denis
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Hoffman Anthony J A1C 552 CMS/MXMVC"
<Anthony.Hoffman at tinker.af.mil>
> To: "'Denis'" <sparkplugvw at hotmail.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 9:18 AM
> Subject: RE: V8 91 completed for parts, found
> > I would think some waiting and checking would get you one for a lot less
> > than that. I'v seen them on e'bay for 1K or so in the past. I picked one
> up
> > in town with a bad trans(filled with new motor oil-only serviced at the
> > dealer) for $500. original owner, all reciepts, etc. I think patience is
> the
> > key.
> >
> > Tony Hoffman
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Denis [mailto:sparkplugvw at hotmail.com]
> > Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 9:16 AM
> > To: quattro list
> > Subject: V8 91 completed for parts, found
> >
> >
> > Well, i have found a V8 1991 . New auto tranny, nnice looking 2500$....
> > fire in fuse box.
> > So, the electronic ... must be out off life etc....
> >
> > So only the mec is good and the body. What to do with a body without
> wiring
> > !! maybe resell the tranny and body parts...
> >
> > Nice project to get a V8,,,,,, makes me think about it.(not for 2500$)
> > Cheaper than a 20V turbo for around 3000-4000$ engine only.
> >
> > Denis
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