torque bias

Greg Galinsky nokian at
Thu Feb 19 11:59:53 EST 2004

Stephen Santoliquido wrote:
> Thanks for the responses.
> Thinking about it now, I think Dave and Dan and others must be right. An
> open diferential can't proportion torque other than 50-50.
> As for Haldex, Reviewing earlier threads and other sources shows they
> operate essetialy as FWD until slip occurs.
> Now if only I had that old literature then I could see what those damn
> marketers were up to...
> Steve
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Isn't torque bias also a function of the length of the axle shaft? 
Thought that was why some fwd cars are more prone to torque steer than 
others. Some designs came out with equal length axle shafts vs others?

Brain is not in gear yet

Greg Galinsky

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