5kcstq Injectors, head removal questions (PITA)
Joshua Van Tol
josh at spiny.com
Sun Feb 22 08:46:35 EST 2004
Be really careful about using a vacuum cleaner in the possible vicinity
of gasoline. It's pretty easy to wind up with a blown up vacuum
On Feb 21, 2004, at 11:57 PM, Ado Sigal wrote:
> It is a perfect time to change the injector inserts, shrouds, insert
> seals and injector seals to, so start by unscrewing the inserts (allen
> key 12 or 13 mm) and taking out the shrouds, to gain access to the
> pieces fallen into manifold, which if don't come out with shrouds, one
> can access and possibly collect with piece of wire and some sticky
> substance on top, or better still, by sucking it out via small dia
> tube attached to your domestic dustsuccer. Don't use the hats with new
> injectors, and change to appropriate shrouds. The rest is just work
> and patience.
> Good luck,
> Ado
> barry at moonbeast.com wrote:
>> Okay, I've taken the front of my car apart to do the timing belt
>> change, and thought I'd fix that long cranking problem at the same
>> time.
>> This is what I get for thinking.
>> *deep breath*
>> So I got 5 replacement injectors, water pump, timing belt, hydraulic
>> lifters and replacement valve cover seal from 'thepartsconnection'.
>> Also crank and cam seals.
>> My digicam sucks, so here's the disassembly in crap-ti-color:
>> Pass side
>> http://www.geocities.com/workhouse_master/feb18_04-007.jpg
>> Front view
>> http://www.geocities.com/workhouse_master/feb04_-006.jpg The first
>> three injectors came out fairly easily.
>> Not so with the last two.
>> There is a metal press-fit cap on the end of these injectors that I
>> managed to leave in #4 and #5 whilst pulling them out. No big deal,
>> right? Wrong. The more things I tried to get that #4 injector cap
>> out, the further down the well it got lodged. That's what I get for
>> trying to get innovative. Now it's almost certainly in the valve
>> chamber.
>> Injectors
>> http://www.geocities.com/workhouse_master/feb04_-009a.jpg
>> Just to be certain, now. I'm gonna have to take the head off to get
>> the f*@king thing out, aren't I?
>> I haven't taken the intake valve out of #4 yet, but I don't think I
>> can get to the stupid cap that way without taking the head off. I'll
>> have to take that valve out anyway, I know.
>> So the big questions:
>> Can I get the valve assembly out/back in again without special tools?
>> Any BTDT? Is there a good writeup on this somewhere? I've got the
>> Bentley, but I'm not terribly impressed with it.
>> What all should I replace while I've got the stupid thing torn down
>> this far?
>> (I'll get the head gasket set and replace all of them). Thermostat?
>> Anything else?
>> What other special tools am I going to need to get this cap
>> extraction operation completed? I had to borrow the crank lock tool,
>> but I'm hoping to be able to use some more "standard" tools and
>> ingenuity for this already WAAAY too involved project.
>> Thanks very much for any help-
>> Barry
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