5kcstq Injectors, head removal questions (PITA)

Timmmy quattro at inspirinium.com
Sun Feb 22 11:04:37 EST 2004

Hey Barry

I feel youre pain!

If you dont manage to fish the caps out and do end up taking the head off,
apart from the crank tool you should be all set. I just rebuilt my 5ktqs,
and the only other head related special tools I needed to buy / make was
the special tool for the head studs. cant remember exzctly what it was
called. but its sort of a metric cross between a torx and a hex. I bought
a set at vip. I also had to modify a valve spring compressor. I bought a
sears one, then welded some steel strips onto the jaws so it would reach
into the head.

if you want reference shots, take a look at my gallery;


oh, and I also made another usefull tool to remove the valve stem oil
seals. take a pair of long nose pliers, weld a washer on the end of the
jaws, then cut it with a dremmel. this gives you a tool to reach dow below
the seal and pull them off.

good luck


Timmmy (Imlivinalie)
86 5KTQ - Fast...
01 MX5 - RWD Toy
98 Triumph Daytona 955i - Cop Bate.
91 RM125 - Oh yeah!
Various others!

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