(no subject)
Robert Myers
robert at s-cars.org
Mon Feb 23 07:58:24 EST 2004
This little gem of a tidbit belongs in the knowledgebase.
At 07:45 AM 2/23/2004 -0500, kyle leatherwood wrote:
>Well, my ABS problems got fixed over the weekend. My problem was an ABS
>warning light on all of the time. Well, to begin I ohm'ed out all four
>wheel sensors. Ah ha! I found one sensor that the ohm reading on was so
>erratic it was impossible to get a constant reading. Well, in my tracing
>down the system I realized that it is a WABCO ABS system on it, which is
>the same system that Freightliner trucks (the dealership where I work)
>use. In a search through the ABS sensors for the A series WABCO ABS
>system that we have on the shelf, I found one with the same plug. A quick
>ohm check proved my thought, it is the same ABS sensor. $32.00 later I
>had a new sensor.
>However, the sensor didn't fix the problem. My las thought was to check
>all of the ABS relays in the system. Both relays onder the hood checked
>fine, but then I ran across the one under the passenger floorboard
>cover. Voila!
>This relay has a 10 amp fuse in the top of it and the fuse is blown. My
>guess is that the bad wheel sensor blew the fuse. A new fuse and ABS
>sensor on and now the ABS system works like a dream again. Thanks for
>everyone's thoughts and help.
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Lies - the real Weapons of Mass Destruction!
Robert L. Myers 304-574-2372
Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP
'95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen ICQ 22170244
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